January 15, 2025, Toronto, Canada. Music Royalties Inc. (‘MRI’) is pleased to announce two corporate milestones with the payment of its 60th dividend representing:
1) a cumulative $0.142 per share in dividends paid to shareholders and
2) a total of over $10 million paid out to shareholders since 2019.
The cumulative 14.2 cents in dividends represents a 95% return on capital for initial investors who invested at $0.15 per share, a 35% return in dividends for $0.40 per share investors and up to a 28% return in dividends for $0.50 per share investors, before capital gains. New investors at $0.50 per share receive $0.036 per year for a starting 7.2% yield, which is more than double the average S&P/TSX 60 dividend of 3% and more than five times the S&P 500 dividend yield of 1.3%.
The company’s goal is to list publicly in order to provide a liquidity event and to allow registered accounts (RRSPs, TFSAs, IRAs) and music fans as investors to own a share of passive non-correlated music streaming cash flow from top global artist brands, driven by global smartphone and streaming growth. To date the elevated levels of inflation, interest rates and economic uncertainty have significantly reduced investor interest in small cap public companies. In the meantime, MRI shareholders have enjoyed receiving a monthly dividend directly into their bank accounts without stock price volatility.
MRI 6 Year Dividend Track Record
MRI has more than tripled its dividend and stock price over the past 6 years through significant annual increases in the dividend reflecting MRI’s long-term strategy of making accretive acquisitions at 6-10x cash flow, generating 10-15% yields which underpins the company’s ability to grow the dividend.

The accretive corporate acquisition model with no AUM fees or debt has allowed MRI to continually increase its dividend. MRI is committed to fully passing through streaming revenues to shareholders and is a diversified portfolio of primarily passive streaming income.
About Music Royalties Inc.
Music Royalties Inc. is an artist, music fan and investor virtual partnership which provides direct exposure to music revenues from global streaming platforms by acquiring royalties for shareholders. MRI has increased share value by accretively acquiring a diversified portfolio of 29 cash flowing royalties from over 7,000 songs.
Tim Gallagher Connor Gallagher
CEO Investor Relations
+1 416-925-0090 +1 647-921-2206